Vistra Insights

'tax_meets_business' seminars

Event details: Hamburg - Thursday, 29 August 2019 and Cologne - Thursday, 12 September 2019

With the ‘tax_meets_business’ series of events, Vistra provides a platform for clients and other interested persons who wish to obtain practical information on tax topics and current developments in the field of tax law.

In August and September 2019, events will be held in Hamburg and Cologne on “Taxation of foreign permanent establishments” from an income tax, VAT and wage tax perspective. Important developments from the OECD and reactions of the German tax authorities round off this event.

Klaus Strohner, attorney-at-law and in house lawyer, Timo Turek, tax advisor and expert advisor for international tax law, Birte Poulheim, tax advisor and expert advisor for international tax law and Volker Harbecke, tax advisor of Vistra will host the series reporting on experiences from the practice of companies in dealing with foreign permanent establishments.

The event is aimed at managing directors, heads and employees of accounting, payroll accounting, finance, tax and personnel departments of all companies.

After the seminar, snacks will be served and delegates will have the opportunity to speak with the hosts and other participants.

Participation is free of charge, please register by emailing [email protected].

Please contact Klaus Strohner, Timo Turek, Birte Poulheim (Cologne) or Volker Harbecke (Hamburg) for further information.  

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