Carla van den Berg

Tax Director

Carla van den Berg

Carla joined Vistra in February 2020 as Tax Director. She has extensive experience in Corporate, European- and International Tax Law predominantly with respect to large companies, which she obtained from Big 4 and renowned Law Firms. At Vistra, she has specialised herself in Tax Regulatory such as DAC6, ATAD2 and the upcoming ATAD3 legislation. She is responsible for the implementation of the regulations, and she is the driver behind our client’s compliance towards the Dutch Tax Authorities. For the business teams, she is the key person to go to and she provides trainings on the topics.

She holds three Master’s degrees in Tax Law, including one from the University of Amsterdam and Queen Mary College in London in 2003. In 2018, she graduated from the Advanced Master in International Tax Law at the University of Amsterdam in cooperation with the IBFD. More recently, in 2022, she obtained the Master Trust, which has specifically been established for the Trust Sector.

Carla is a member of the Tax Commission of Holland Quaestor, which is an organisation that supplements the sector’s supervision and provides for a Tax Integrity Guideline that the Trust Sector can implement in their Transaction Monitoring processes. She is also an Executive Board Member of ACG Holland, which is part of a worldwide association for middle market deal making professionals.

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