Our Locations


Get in touch with one of our Ireland offices

Vistra Alternative Investments (Ireland) Limited Tel: +353 1 9631 030 Vistra Assurance (Ireland) Limited Tel: +353 1 6114056 Block A, George's Quay Plaza, George's Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland

Vistra Corporate Services (Ireland) Limited Rocktwist House, Block 1 Western Business Park Shannon, Co. Clare V14 FW97

Vistra's services in Ireland

With offices in Dublin and Shannon, Vistra Ireland helps clients forge their future success in Ireland with a comprehensive range of service offerings:

  • Capital markets 
    Corporate and trust services for structured finance deals, corporate restructuring support and assistance in relation to the aircraft leasing industry, including Asset-Backed Securitisation (ABS) transactions. Find out more.
  • Total entity management
    Management and administration of Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) and asset holding companies to banks, non-bank financial institutions and corporates. Find out more.
  • Services for companies expanding internationally
    Accounting, tax, company secretarial, payroll, Employer of Record 'EOR', auditing and advisory services for clients establishing their presence in the Irish market or setting up a regional hub for their global expansion plans. Find out more.

Our servicing teams provide the full range of services for managing an Irish company and ensuring it remains compliant with Irish regulations. Our private, corporate and institutional clients greatly appreciate our capacity to offer tailored solutions on a one-stop service basis. This includes a network of specialist advisers with whom we work closely and have built strong professional relationships.

Please feel free to contact any of our team, who would be delighted to help you assess how best to succeed by investing in Ireland.

Why choose Ireland?

Ireland's performance as a hub for Foreign Direct Investment is unrivalled. It has a proven track record as a thriving location for world-leading established and high growth multinational companies worldwide.

Many of the world's leading high-performance companies, including Intel, Twitter, Pfizer, Citi, Huawei, Takeda, Fujitsu, Novartis and Trend Micro are located in Ireland. The country is also positioning itself to become a world leader in the Internet of Things, Big Data, ICT Skills, Energy Efficiency, Health Innovation and Cloud Computing. Ireland is also a leading global centre for Financial Services. 

The country's talent pool, track record in doing business, technology infrastructure, and the 12.5% corporate tax rate continue to resonate strongly with investors, attracting global operations of multinationals in technology, pharmaceutical, biosciences, manufacturing and financial services industries.


Corporate Clients Brochure


Capital Markets Brochure


Corporate Simplification


International Expansion & Operational Support


Total Entity Management


Merger and Acquisition Support Services


CLO Services


Trustee Services

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