As you expand your business, you may find yourself in need of extra personnel. You may need a professional director to enhance your management team, for example, or perhaps you don't currently have a director who's physically located in a jurisdiction where you need someone to perform directorship duties.
We can assign an experienced manager with specific industry knowledge to act as your company’s personal director. They will take care of day-to-day management and ensure your company is compliant with local rules and regulations. And if you need skilled employees, we can hire individuals on contracts for varying periods too.
Establishment Services
How can we help?
To discuss how Vistra can help you with Directorship Services, simply complete this form and one of our experts will contact you.
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Manager, Corporate Services
To make the most of today’s global economy you need to reduce risk and ensure that your global ventures are both compliant and operationally efficient. Speak to one of our expansion experts today for a free consultation.
Channel Islands, 1 June 2023: Vistra, one of the world’s leading Fund and Corporate Service providers, is pleased to announce the appointment of Jonathan Ferrara as Managing Director for Vistra Channel Islands.
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