
Technology & Intellectual Property

If you’re running a technology business, your most valuable and prominent assets will involve technology commercialised through your intellectual property (IP). Businesses benefit from a clear IP strategy to help ensure that IP is identified, protected and commercialised to ensure a return on your investment and to maintain your competitive edge.

Our team of technology and IP specialists work together to deliver our multi-jurisdictional technical expertise by advising on appropriate protections of IP, by supporting transactional due diligence on specific technologies and by drafting IP agreements, including licences. We also regularly draft and negotiate IP, hardware and software licences and Software as a Service (SaaS) agreements for start-ups to multi-national tech businesses. 

From a data protection standpoint, we will work together with you to develop a GDPR compliance framework which has appropriate technical and organisational measures in place. We aim to provide you with the highest-quality advice and practical solutions to support your business and cyber security needs.  

We can also train your internal teams on legal and regulatory compliance issues such as privacy laws, information security and data ethics, to ensure your intangible assets are protected and delivering you concrete value.

So if you’re a technology company looking to create a suite of SaaS contracts, or a large corporate group needing a strategy around data, IP and compliance, we can help. The same goes if you need support with data-related issues, such as usage rights and compliance.

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Wherever opportunity is, so are we.
In a globalising world, there are opportunities out there.
Grenzüberschreitende Carve-out-Geschäfte sind eine zunehmend beliebte Akquisitionsstrategie für Private-Equity-Firmen. Die Due-Diligence-Prüfung und eine gute Planung sind entscheidend, um das Risiko zu minimieren und sicherzustellen, dass ein ausgegliedertes Unternehmen bereit ist, um am Markt erfolgreich zu agieren. Ein entscheidender, aber oft übersehener Teil dieses Prozesses ist die Gründung einer juristischen Person.

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